CS/IT 285L

Taught by A. Potasznik

December 2, 2024
by Amanda R Potasznik

IT club meets soon!

The first in person meeting of the new IT Club will take place this coming Thursday, December 5th, in the Integrated Sciences Complex, Room 3300.Holiday food will be on offer and Jason Agress speaks about his experiences working in the IT industry.

November 26, 2024
by Amanda R Potasznik

Updates about optional workshops

If you are the in 11am, 12:30pm, 4pm, or 5:30pm class: Due to all projects being presented on time, Day 25 (December 3) has now joined the OPTIONAL workshop days. No grade or attendance will be noted on Day 25. Those who choose to attend the workshop should prepare the 9.3.1 outline for their final paper so we have something targeted to work on.

If you are in the Friday section, this is a reminder that there is no class on November 29 but there IS class on December 6. On that day, you should have submitted/be ready to discuss the homework listed under Day 24 on the homework page.

November 26, 2024
by Amanda R Potasznik

SI Instructor Schedule Update

From our SI Instructor:

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to inform those who were planning to attend office hours with me on Monday December 9th (12/9/24) that I will not be in town that day, so please don’t attend (unless you want to hang in an empty room). I will be opening up Friday of that week for more Zoom calls and am always available through email if anyone needs anything. 

Best Regards,
Ryo N-D

October 29, 2024
by Amanda R Potasznik

Here come the project presentations!

Class format for now to end of semester: Announcements > homework discussion > project presentation > lecture.

As audience members, please be respectful: no speaking or texting while your classmates present. Try to engage with their questions: presenters are counting on you to respond, and you will eventually be counting on them too for your own project!

Presenters: Don’t approach the front or try to set up until you are explicitly told to do so. We still need to get you credit for your homework discussion!

Don’t start presenting until you see the professor make eye contact from the audience and give a thumbs up. That’s when your timer will start.

While sending your slides is not required as part of your presentation, I may ask to access them.

Your grade should be viewable in Canvas when you leave class. These grades are not necessarily final and may change based upon slide review.

Timing, connections, more project guidance is all on the relevant instructions page.

October 24, 2024
by Amanda R Potasznik

Midterm complete for T/Th classes

Thank you all for the relatively smooth midterm experience! Grades will be released after the Friday section takes their test. Here are some frequently asked questions:

Can I see what I got right and wrong?

Yes, with an office hours appointment. I know it’s annoying, but while you would never try to save completed tests or post answers online, some students feel the need to try. The nature of the test requires special vigilance over completed copies. As a result, students (rightfully) wondering what they got right and wrong will need to schedule an office hours appointment. The meeting should only take a few minutes.

I missed the midterm, can I take it now?

This is one of the few assignments in the course (along with projects and final papers) that are scheduled on certain days and do not qualify for late work. The relevant portions of the syllabus are below.

October 9, 2024
by Amanda R Potasznik

We’ll be in class on election day. Please vote early!

Are you registered? You can still register to vote as long as you do so by October 26.

Check your registration status here.

Don’t want to drive anywhere? Apply to vote by mail – it’s super easy and you have until October 29 to say you want a mail-in ballot. You can even email your application.

Here’s a link to all the early voting locations around Boston. You can vote as early as October 19.

In addition to voting for big offices like president, you’ll also be able to vote on important ballot questions regarding education, unionization, psychedelics, and more.

October 4, 2024
by Amanda R Potasznik

BIPOC and/or identify as female in computing?

BIPOC and/or identify as female in computing? Professor Haehn and I are looking for undergraduate research collaborators and want to talk to you! The aim is for our group to create a research project*, apply for funding to publish it, and travel (expenses paid) to present it at a computing ethics conference in Illinois in early June 2025. Please email asap with this information if interested as the first deadline is approaching in mid-October.

*The topic is not defined yet! That’s where you come in. 😊

September 25, 2024
by Amanda R Potasznik

Friday students: 9/27 lecture available in Canvas

If your class meets on T/Th, you can safely disregard this message.

If your class meets on Friday:

Check your Canvas inbox for a link to the video you need to watch instead of coming to class this Friday. I’ll keep an eye out for your Day 7 homework submissions on Canvas by class time. See you October 4!

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