CS/IT 285L

Taught by A. Potasznik

Late Enrollment?

Our course and all relevant policies begin on the first day of classes. You can check the academic calendar here for this date.

If you enroll (or start attending) after the first day of class, you will probably miss a day, or even multiple days, of class right at the beginning of the semester. Starting late can be stressful, and it is far from ideal. Given the advanced pace of our course content and the number of policies to understand, I strongly suggest only taking this class when you can attend from Day 1. If you are up for the challenge and insist on continuing the class despite missing the crucial first day(s), I’ve put together some guidance and resources for you.

“This is my first class, so I didn’t do the previous reading.”

“I know it’s day 3, but this is my first time attending class, so I shouldn’t have to take this quiz.”

“I know it’s Day 10 today, but here’s my DM from Day 3. I was late to enroll so I couldn’t do it at the time.”

“I enrolled late, so I’ll check the website to see what I missed and make sure not to miss any more class.”

The first day and homework assignments involve exploring every link on the website (list to your right on desktop and under this post on mobile); it’s imperative that you click through that content on your own as you will be held to it for the semester. Insufficient planning or bad luck as you enroll in classes are not an excused absence. If you miss deadlines due to late enrollment, you are expected to catch up quickly, and may have zeroes depending on how late you are submitting work. As such, late enrollees have extra work to do, and I have gathered our resources for helping you catch up as easily as possible if you miss a class.

If you’re really late to the game, some deadlines and late windows will have already expired when you get around to knowing what’s going on. If you need someone to walk you through things beyond the video tutorials I provide on the pages linked above, that is the purview of our Supplemental Instructor. Please do not ask me to walk you through things I explained in the class because you did not attend. With my course load, I cannot provide one-on-one teaching recaps.

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