Life happens. Sometimes you have to miss class.
All CS/IT285 classes are chock full of lectures and activities. Please do not send me an email asking if you missed anything – you definitely did – and don’t ask me to write out all the things you missed, because they are here for you on the website already. Here’s what to do if you need to miss; if the class you are missing has already begun, start at Step 2.
- Notify me as soon as you can. An email with name, section number, and a brief explanation is appreciated BEFORE class starts. This part is just a courtesy to me so I don’t assign you to a discussion group and call your name for roll. There is no grade associated with this notification or “pre-absence” excusals granted on my side. Please don’t tell me in person that you will miss future classes; it’s nice of you, but I can’t retain the information when it’s given verbally in the middle of a busy day. Just the email will do.
- Review the material for this day on your own (from the class slides and/or recordings) and complete your reading that was due that day if applicable (from the topics page). Also be sure to do the reading or study for the quiz that is due at the beginning of class next time, which you will hopefully attend in person.
- The attendance policy is outlined in the syllabus.
Students who establish a habit of missing class may be notified by the professor that they have reached the maximum number of missed quizzes or no-discussion assignments for the course. At that point it may be mathematically impossible to pass the class. See Part 5 of the syllabus.
Please do not ask me to walk you through things I explained in the class because you did not attend. With my course load, I cannot provide one-on-one teaching recaps.