If you come to class late for any reason, …
Do ✓
- Read the room and figure out what we’re doing.
- If we’re in discussion groups, find the smallest group and join them. Apologize to them for being late and try to fit in without interrupting.
- Complete the discussion memo to the best of your ability in the time remaining.
- If we’re taking a quiz, quietly take a seat and wait for the quiz to finish. You can review the quiz policy while you wait.
- If you’re unsure I realized your presence, talk to me after class.
Don’t ✘
- Follow me around as I try to grade on-time people’s discussions.
- Ask me where to go (see above).
- Ask me what we’re doing (see above).
- Be late next time!
At the beginning of class, I review upcoming deadlines and remind students of relevant information. If you’re late, you’ll miss that information, so you should review it on your own asap. Consult this site or your peers. I do not provide individual catch-up sessions for absent or tardy students, either in person or via email.