Beginning on Day 3, there will be a weekly quiz approximately every Tuesday that checks for understanding of class terms from the previous week.
Time limits: The standard time allowed for each quiz is 5 minutes, but students are given 10 minutes to complete it if they began the quiz on time. The quiz end time is the same for all students, regardless of quiz start time (students must arrive to class on time in order to receive the full allotted time).
Notes: Hand-written notes may be used, but pre-quiz studying is required due to the time limit, and is the responsibility of the student.
Makeup policy: Quizzes may not be made up due to low scores or absences, but the lowest quiz grade will be dropped at the end of the semester. Students who miss or fail multiple quizzes may choose to take the final exam (no notes) to replace the quiz average grade.
Quiz grades will be posted as soon as possible, usually within 48 hours of the quiz day. Completed quizzes are not viewable without oversight; please schedule an office hours visit to see what you got right and wrong on your quiz.
Quiz A on Day 3 covers terms from Days 1 and 2.
Quiz B on Day 5 covers terms from Days 3 and 4.
Quiz C on Day 7 covers terms from Days 5 and 6.
Quiz D on Day 9 covers terms from Days 7 and 8.
Quiz E on Day 11 covers terms from Days 9 and 10.
Quiz F on Day 13 covers terms from Days 12 and 13 (Taken at end of class).
Quiz G on Day 17 covers terms from Days 15 and 16.
Quiz H on Day 19 covers terms from Days 17 and 18.
Quiz I on Day 21 covers terms from Days 19 and 20.
Quiz J on Day 23 covers terms from Days 21 and 22.