CS/IT 285L

Taught by A. Potasznik

Quiz today!


If you have not attended class prior to today, or are not prepared for the quiz for another reason, please do your best… and make a plan to consult the page that applies to you: late enrollment, late to class, quiz page.

In preparation for the quiz, please:

1. Put away everything except a pencil or black/blue pen and your handwritten notes.

2. Phones, tablets, smart watches and laptops should be zipped into bags and out of sight.

3. Clearly write your name and section time (11am, 12:30pm, 4pm or 5:30pm) at the top.

4. Fill in the correct answers. Each blank can have up to 3 words. Multiple questions may have the same answer.

5. Turn in your quiz at the front, face down with the mark at the top, when you’re done or when time is up. You can ask the professor questions at this point.

6. Prepare for the Days lecture!

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