CS/IT 285L

Taught by A. Potasznik

Optional Day 1


Welcome to the first (optional) Final Paper Workshop!

This class is designed is for you to have monitored, accountable writing time to work on your paper.

Since the class is optional, you can leave whenever you want. You do not have to stay for the entire time.

Asking for help? Please begin by taking the time to formulate a specific question that shows your previous effort and reflection on the issue.

Suggested goals for today:

  • Make your topic choice. Which scenario, or which article?
  • Make sure role you are taking in the paper, and the specific decision you will be making, are both clear.
  • Outline: are all 9.3.1 phases clearly answered?
  • Term check: have you correctly identified, defined, and applied terms to your topic? Ask me if you have any doubts.
  • Finish writing outline.

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