CS/IT 285L

Taught by A. Potasznik

Feb 28 Snow Day Plan


Snow day updates, newest in green:

For those with office hour appointments: I think we’ve postponed long enough! Let’s switch to Zoom appointments. The Zoom link is here and the time is the same as the one you had before (unless we scheduled you outside of office hours, in which case check your email).

2/28 10:55am: Everything’s ready for you! Blackboard > Course Materials > (Snow) Day 10. Upload homework and view lecture there.

2/28 9:12am: The folder and homework upload are ready; check back in 1-2 hours for lecture video.

For sections 1, 3, and 4, I am considering moving the project presentations back by one or two days. More on this in the lecture.

The next time I see you in class will be Tuesday, March 7. WW2 is due this weekend. The midterm is in approximately 3 weeks.

2/28 7:46am: We will have a folder in Blackboard for (Snow) Day 10. For now, please TYPE your Day 10 homework so that you can upload a .docx or .pdf file when the time comes. I will update here again when the folder is ready, and again when the lecture recording is available.

2/27 9:45pm: I saw the announcement about no classes on Tuesday. As we did on Thursday, I will post a plan for us here tomorrow. Please check our course website (this page) again around noon on February 28 for our lecture video and new calendar/officehours/homework.



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