Emma Goldman

Emma Goldman Emma Goldman was an incredibly influential anarchist whose teachings paved the way for labor and feminist movements giving new life to the anarchist movement. Goldman was born in 1869 in Kaunas Lithuania, now Kovno, and grew up in St. Petersburg where she lived in a community and state of violence and fear. She […]

Louisiana’s Cancer Alley – Then and Now

Created by Allison Neumeyer References Human Rights Watch. (2024). We’re Dying Here. Human Rights Watch. https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2024/01/us_louisiana0124_insert_LOWRES_WEBSPREADS_WITH_COVER.pdf https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/01/25/us-louisianas-cancer-alley  Campisano, Donna. (2023). What Is Cancer Alley? Very Well Health. https://www.verywellhealth.com/cancer-alley-5097197  Surrusco, Emilie. (2024). Cancer Alley Rises Up. EarthJustice. https://earthjustice.org/feature/cancer-alley-rises-up#:~:text=The%20area%2C%20still%20home%20to,of%20cancer%20for%20local%20residents.   Castellón, Idna. (2021). Cancer Alley and the Fight Against Environmental Racism.  Villanova Environmental Law Journal. https://digitalcommons.law.villanova.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1440&context=elj 

Stereotype Threat

LT Stereotype Threat Stereotype Threat: the uncomfortable psychological state where individuals are in or feel at risk of confirming negative stereotypes about their racial, ethnic, gender, or cultural group; usually concerning how stereotypes can harm performance and create self-fulfilling prophecies.  The threat arises in relevant situations where the individual is being evaluated (e.g. testing) (Vinney, […]

White Fragility

By: Gianna H. Santos Definition: is the discomfort and defensiveness experienced by white people when confronted with racism and their own biases. It can manifest in denial, anger, minimization, reflection, and silence. It involves refusing to acknowledge racism, downplaying its severity, shifting focus to other issues, and shutting down conversations about race or invalidating people […]


Madison Rose Redlining Redlining: Discriminatory financial practice aimed at ethnic and racial minorities in certain areas that limit members to access services such as low-interest loans and mortgages, access to health and mental care, quality education, and create other roadblocks like food deserts (Jackson, 2021).  Redlining creates minority-majority areas where community issues are increased.  Those […]

The Homestead Strike: Then & Now

The Homestead Strike Anarchism is a complex political idea that fights for freedom against oppressive governments and wants equality for all. The main goal of anarchism is to create a society where everyone is free and equal without an oppressive ruling State leering over the heads of its people. The main focus of many anarchistic […]


I.M. Anarchy Anarchy:  a political theory considering a society without a government or authoritarian rule where all people are equal    While the definition provided may appear simple, it gets more complicated than this. Anarchistic ideas come from the thought that society can fall into a natural order or harmony without the corruption of man-made […]

Social Capital

Maria Soares  Social Capital: This term describes a person’s participation or position within a particular social group, which contributes to their lives in certain ways.  Social Capital in the context of community psychology refers to the resources, relationships, and networks within a community that can help individuals and groups thrive. It is all about the […]