CM PASS Program

UMass Boston College of Management Program for Academic Success Strategies

Welcome to PASS

The PASS Program is an initiative of the College of Management at UMass Boston and is specifically designed for students in academic jeopardy to find success. The ultimate goal is to reach good academic standing, which is a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher. Sometimes, it can take students more than one semester to reach a 2.0 cumulative GPA; every students’ situation is different. If you are a student in academic jeopardy, you should be meeting with your Academic Advisor to make an academic plan tailored to your specific needs. To make sure you stay on track with this plan, or to make adjustments along the way, you should continue to meet with your advisor on a regular basis until you reach good academic standing. Your advisor can talk with you about the PASS Program and Resources to help you find success.

This blog includes many resources to help you find success. These resources include, but are not limited to, time management, study skills, and academic success strategies. Please refer to these resources as often as needed.

With the right tools and resources, individualized help from your advisor, and some targeted time and attention to your academics, you can be successful!

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