CM PASS Program

UMass Boston College of Management Program for Academic Success Strategies

Wednesday’s Word to the Wise: Registration


Hi everyone,

Registration is right around the corner. Here are a few tips in order to make your registration day as smooth as possible.

  • You want to check the holds on your account. Each hold means something different, so make sure you know who to speak to to get these cleared. If you have any questions on what certain holds mean, you can speak to your advisor.
  • Meet with your advisor. If you have any questions/concerns on which classes to pick, how to get rid of holds, or any other registration issues, your advisor is there to help! Registration week is a very busy time for advisors, so plan ahead.
  • Look up classes and add to shopping cart. Make sure you have your classes for the Fall and Summer picked out ahead of time and have them in your shopping cart. This will make your registration day just a simple click!

For more tips, check back every Wednesday!

As always, email us with any questions/concerns:


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