CM PASS Program

UMass Boston College of Management Program for Academic Success Strategies

Wednesday’s Word to the Wise: Midterm Exam Tips


Midterm exams are approaching us and it is best to be proactive when beginning the studying process.

Here are some tips for preparing for midterm exams:

  • Don’t cram- start studying early to avoid extra stress…you will be thankful you did!
  • Form study groups- teaching others information is a great way to reinforce concepts and information.
  • Find a quiet place to study- if you do not do well with study groups, find a quiet place to fully focus on studying.
  • Know what is going to be on the exam- attend all classes and ask about topics/formats of exams.
  • Meet with your professor- if you have any questions, meet with your professor early!
  • Relax and stay healthy- take short breaks when studying, eat healthy, and avoid too much caffeine.

Good luck on your midterm exams!

With any questions regarding midterm exams or your progress so far this semester, email us at  Check back next Tuesday for another tip!



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