Do you feel excited about a critical essay you wrote or are writing for a cinema class this past year? If so, please consider submitting it to the Cinema Studies Student Essay Award contest. The winner will be honored at the Cinema Studies Graduation party as well as receive a prize for their work. The contest is open to critical/analytical projects in either print or digital form written by a UMB student between April 1, 2019 and April 1, 2020. Print essays must be typed, double-spaced, and at least 1000 words; video essays or digital projects should be at least four minutes long.
To submit, please email your paper as an attachment or email a link to your digital project (hosted on YouTube or Vimeo, for example). Please email submissions to sarah.hamblin@umb.edu. stating the semester, course, and professor for which the essay was written. Submissions must be received before 5pm on Friday April 10, 2020 in order to be considered for this year’s award cycle. Students may only submit one essay for consideration for the award in each cycle. Students who have already won the award are no longer eligible.
Do you have a creative project that you wish you could submit? Don’t worry – we have a separate category for that! Please email wenhua.shi@umb.edu for more information.