Descriptive language fills up the “Autopsy Report,” by Lia Purpura. When either describing the world inside the autopsy room, or outside the autopsy room, the author constantly uses imagery. For example, “Then, everything was lifted out–the mass of organs held in the… Continue Reading →
The video essay offers new opportunities to accomplish the classic essay goals explained in “Toward a Collective Poetics of the Essay, ” by Carl Klaus, such as the conveyance of emotional information and the eliciting of a subjective response in the… Continue Reading →
Two songs that would fit my audio script well are “Forever Broke,” by musician Yoko Kanno, and “The Girl Who Stole My Tamagotchi,” by producer Hot Sugar. Each has its own flavor and is appropriate for my essay in its own way,… Continue Reading →
John Kern writes in Chapter 8 of “Sound Reporting” about the different ways a reporter or radio host can tell a story by modulating characteristics of their voice. “Do you seem to be stressing the key words? Are you reading more… Continue Reading →
David Antin’s essay ‘The Theory and Practice of Post Modernism: A Manifesto,” is an interesting choice to pair with Jonathan Kern’s essay, “Writing for Broadcast,” because the effect of the former’s form depends upon the text format and the reading… Continue Reading →
The medium of radio opens up new dimensions for expressing the historic form of the textual essay. Essay writers often adopt a persona or character, observed in their syntax and diction. Textual tricks can be employed to mimic what is otherwise… Continue Reading →
In the essay, “Total Eclipse,” by Annie Dillard, the author writes about the experience of traveling to watch a total solar eclipse, and the subsequent feelings, contemplations, and reflections. Her husband accompanies her. There is an article about gold mining… Continue Reading →
Joan Didion’s essay, “On Keeping a Notebook” considers the notebook as a way of revisiting subjective experience. The notebook is a nexus, each page containing wormholes to prior thoughts, feeling, and meaning. The gates of these throughways, the note itself, may initially… Continue Reading →
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