Chasing Unicorns

Running the Boston Marathon to Support Camp Shriver

Why Fundraising is Like Running a Marathon

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As one of our runners pointed out to me recently, raising funds is just as hard as training for the marathon… and she couldn’t be more right! The comparisons are endless…

Fundraising and Marathon Training both require:

  • Motivation
    • Just like with those long runs, fundraising isn’t a short game: you need to think about your personal goals and the friendships our campers make each summer to help drive you over that finish line.
  • Repetition
    • You get out almost every day to run, be it short, fast or long. Fundraising is the same: you need to ask again, again, and again. By letter, by phone, by email. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
  • Courage
    • It takes a lot to commit to a marathon and to get up every day and do what needs to be done. So too, does fundraising. Our culture is trained not to ask about money… and now you have to ask for money. Be as courageous as you are when you set out for that 21-miler!
  • Planning
    • Just like your week-by-week marathon training guide, you should develop (in your own head if not on paper), your own step-by-step guide for fundraising: how and when are you going to reach out to your contacts. And when you do go back to remind them?
  • Support
    • Besides your fundraising coach (me), you’ll need the support of friends, relatives, acquaintances, etc. Start with a spreadsheet of everyone you know! Later, who can you empower to fundraise on your behalf?
  • Events
    • Just like group training runs can provide consistency and camaraderie, so to can fundraising events (from big ones at a bar, to small intimate dinners) can help provide a kick-start to your
  • Commitment
    • You pledged to raise $4,000 (or more!) for Camp Shriver. And you will get there. You will get there because you can run 17 miles. You will get there because you will not stop until you do. You get there because you will be creative, smart and dedicated and will continue to push yourself until…

You can sit back with your fundraising commitment met and know that if you can raise that much money for children with disabilities, then surely you can run 26.2 miles, too.


And you can.

And you will!


Happy fundraising, Team.




One Comment

  1. Couldn’t agree more with the comparison between fundraising and marathon training. Running and fundraising has never been more fun and really rewarding. Thanks for the share.

    Unique Fundraising Ideas

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