Chasing Unicorns

Running the Boston Marathon to Support Camp Shriver

Disaster Fundraising and You


It’s always difficult to ask for money. When we know that our friends and family have already given to disaster fundraising, it can make it even harder.

Here’s the trick: people give to hurricane relief or to help those in Newtown, CT, because these immediate disasters motivate them to open their wallets and give.

That doesn’t mean they won’t give to you, too!

Giving in the face of a disaster is a one-time, immediate response. It’s that knee-jerk reaction of wanting to help.

People give to a disaster… but they give something “extra.” Even donors recognize that just because they gave in an emergency, that doesn’t mean they are off the hook for the rest of the year!

They will still want to contribute – – and especially contribute to you!

As we enter these last few months of fundraising, keep this idea in mind: People want to give, but you have to ask them.

And of course: People are well-meaning, but forgetful…so you have to ask them again, and again.

Another idea to keep in mind: When they click on to your razoo page, read your story and make their donation, they will like a million bucks that they were able to help.

And you gave them that opportunity.

Happy fundraising team!


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