Chasing Unicorns

Running the Boston Marathon to Support Camp Shriver

First Training Run


Our first training run took place this past week in Newton, MA on a cold morning with snowflakes softly falling from the sky.

We couldn’t have asked for a more picturesque setting!

Bill, Terri and I were all there as Coach Rick kicked off the day with an inspirational speech and some notes about running form. Coach Rick constantly stresses running efficiency, working to take 180 steps per minute and to run softly.

After proclaiming how we runners will never hear him coming up behind us, he laughed and said, “No, really. Last year, I came running up behind these two women. One was saying to other, ‘can you believe he is over 50?’ and the other said, ‘over 50 and running in tights!’ and I said, ‘yes, of course I am!’. They jumped.”

(Rick is a hoot!)

Team Camp Shriver completed our four miles without any problems. The highlight for me was running past the fabled Johnny Kelley statue.


From the Boston Globe, 1993: “On the left is a likeness of Kelley as a 27-year-old winner of the 1935 Boston Marathon. On the right is a likeness of the 84-year-old Kelley completing his 61st and final Boston Marathon in April [1993]. They are linked, hand in hand, breaking the tape as they cross the finish line.”

His win and amazing 61 Boston Marathons none-withstanding, Kelley is probably even more famous for his duel in the Newton hills that resulted in the famous naming of the Heartbreak Hill.

From the same article: “As the defending champ, Kelley admitted he was ‘a little cocky’ when he came up on a struggling Tarzan Brown as they approached the treacherous stretch hills in Newton. Kelley gave Brown a tap on the back, which was all the fuel Brown needed to rekindle his fire to win the race. The late Globe sports editor Jerry Nason, who witnessed the incident from the press vehicle, saw it as the turning point of the race and dubbed it ‘Heartbreak Hill.’”

Hope everyone had successful runs this weekend and is looking forward to many more in the weeks ahead!



  1. Dear All,

    I am last on the band wagon but finally taking up the slack. I joined Team Shriver last week. I apologize for not making the last two runs but have been running 4 to 5 days a week. This is my first marathon and ready to see what I am really made of for this great cause. I am stoked for Tuesday night at Marathon Sports in Norwell. Looking forward to meeting everybody and Coach Rick. Have a great rest of the weekend everybody. #NoPainNoGain


    Greg F.

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