Chasing Unicorns

Running the Boston Marathon to Support Camp Shriver

The Marathon Coalition Adds a Coach



The riches continue! The Marathon Coalition has added an additional coach. His bio follows and you can also visit Rick Muhr’s blog to learn more.


Greg Guarriello’s running career began as a dare from his cousin Dave to complete the run only portion of an Iron-distance race in Lake of The Ozarks, Missouri in 2003. Greg trained alone for the 26.2 journey and completed it while finding a passion for endurance events. Following that groundbreaking event, Greg applied to run for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (Team in Training, TNT) with the Boston Marathon in 2004. This was Greg’s first encounter with endurance coaching by Rick Muhr. After training and running with TNT in 2004, Greg’s passion for marathons and fundraising with TNT grew. He continued to train and run with TNT for a total of five consecutive Boston Marathons raising over $20,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Greg’s love of endurance events spawned into a passion for triathlons. After beginning with Sprint triathlons and growing into Olympic and Half Iron distances, Greg signed up for Ironman Wisconsin in 2008. He loved the training and overall experience and had the desire to improve so he signed up for Ironman Florida 2009. After two years of Ironman training, Greg has focused on shorter distance races and getting faster at those particular distances.

His passion for athletes and training is evident. He knows that training for races is more than just putting one foot in front of the other. It takes knowledge of knowing when to train hard and just as importantly when to rest. It’s having the right gear, wearing the proper shoes, learning what nutrition works, and understanding that bad training days happen to everyone (it’s ok!) Greg wishes to bring the knowledge he has learned to this years Marathon Collation Team.

Personal Endurance History

  • Completed 11 marathons
  • Completed over 80 triathlons
    • 21 Sprint distance triathlons
    • 18 Half Ironman distances
    • 2 Ironman Distance Races
    • 3 Time Qualifier for Age Group Nationals

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