To start with, for this week, I am probably going to spend most of my time “tweaking” the timing and half-lives of both HC and the PI. Before I move forward I want to make sure everything is not only working properly but also realistically(ish). I am also going to look at random deletion of PI and dosage. I know this sounds like it should only take me a short amount of time to work on, but I’m going with the adage “slow and steady win the race.” If I manage to get happy with the timing and dosage, and everything is working perfectly, I will start working on “Sim 2 – Extended Release Dosage” to try and get it up to the point that “Sim 1 – Daily Dosage” is at.
Secondly, addressing questions on code review:
– why delete yourself after giving birth to one cell – how does this change things? Essentially, what you do is replace a cell in one place with another cell in another place – you’ve teleported one cell. What are you trying to do?
– I’m not sure how the PI’s work, but a half-life (random chance every second of turning back to unprotected) rather than a fixed life might be more realistic
– why use both color and the state of the protected trait to signal protection? why not just use color?
Q1) The deleting one cell after giving birth to one cell was a template for cell division that I was working on but decided that it needed to stop wreaking my number of working agents until I hammered out the more minor things. Additionally, it will likely go away upon further review of research. Until I am sure one way or another, it is just sitting there, working but not effecting anything.
Q2) I had it originally set to randomly delete before. I changed it to this to see if I could make it work. Now that it does, I am going to add back in a random chance of deletion. One thing at a time. 🙂
Q3) I am not sure what you mean by “state of the protected trait,” but I think maybe(?) that you mean the shape? I had both color and shape changing because after every day of looking at the same thing, I found I was having difficultly focusing on what was happening when the sim was running, so I changed it to make it easier for my eyes to track the thing I was looking for. That was purely for my own benefit, and not at all an “actual” part of the code. I do things like that to test every individual part of my code before I move on to something new in order to make sure that everything is working exactly as it should be. I keep very close notes on those things in my notebook so that I don’t accidentally “break” it and forget to fix it.