Simulating Life

Just another UMass Boston Blogs site

Dom’s Check In 5/1


Left to Right: Chinook, Chinook/Whales, Chinook/Whales/Parasite, Chinook/Whales/Parasite/Urchins

Last week I did a lot of re-balancing of the initial spawn numbers, movement, energy gain per food, reproduction needs etc… and the results of the balancing are the images above.
I like what is going on so far and it fits with my hypothesis pretty well.

I shifted my time frame from 400-1400 seconds to 100-1000 seconds because either the population crashes or the simulation crashes because their isn’t enough fish/urchins to feed on the kelp that grows.

This week I’m going to continue to collect data for ANOVA. The only question I have at the moment is what should I do about the solely Chinook simulation? Should I still collect the average from 100-1000 or try and get it too run till 1000 or adjust the time collection period? The issue I am having is that since there are no predators or disease for the Chinook and kelp reproduce pretty quickly the Chinook grow out of control then eat all the kelp and crash.


  1. I would run all your comparisions at the same time
    so, if the chinook only crashes – report that since it’s more of a control anyway
    we can still get data for the anova from the others

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