Simulating Life

Just another UMass Boston Blogs site

Debuggered Cane Toads ability to SNOG!!! Sexy time is no longer exponential!! (Kats Weekly Post)


The Cane Toads were showing exponential growth after five trials runs of the system.  This was causing the Crested Toad population not to bounce back, because they were growing to rapidly for human intervention.  It was also unrealistic, as they should not have been capable of that large of an exponential growth pattern (moved from 300-1500 frogs, even with humans hunting them).

So I went back and broke down all portions of their code to see what was happening, and it turned out that once they turned old enough to “snog” or breed they were continuing this until death (with offspring being created).  Once this debugging was fixed they were dying to fast as now all of the numbers were effecting the agents dramatically different than in the original program.  This meant moving my age limitations around, and my “sexy time” limitations needed modification.  The final results is a much more realistic toad behavior.

Next week, I will be doing the same thing to the crested toads, as they have almost identical code. then I will need to download a FROG agent, for asthetic purposes, and start messing with my human intervention.  If I like everything I will move into seeing how temperature could impact my world

Graph on the right is Cane Toads and their population count is going as predicted, but I am noticing some problems with the Crested Toads now….graph on the left.

Main code: above

Breeding Code: below


  1. I like your debugging but the code went over my head – I keep forgetting what sexy time means – and how can it be negative???
    can we talk this week?

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