SIMULATING LIFE Week Beginning 27 Feb 2017
27 FEB 2017 (Monday)
-Refine weekly objectives schedule
-Research hep C and consider topic change while still remaining in the epidemic field
28 FEB 2017 (Tuesday)
-Develop a basic epidemic code
-Create widgets that may be used for the project.
1 MAR 2017 (Wednesday)
-Research reliable and current resources to provide accurate data for simulation
-add variables test control actions
-Save and open REMIX
2 MAR 2017 (Thursday)
-Develop the Environment (basic)
-ask fellow students for advice on how to program my widgets to due what I want.
-stay optimistic about the project! Enjoy myself!!
3 MAR 2017 (Friday)
-Take time to focus on the assignments that have detailed instructions and ensure mine meet the standard
4 MAR 2017 (Saturday)
-Review the course material for the preceding week
-reconsider/ re-evaluate topic choice
5 MAR 2017 (Sunday)
-Prepare a plan for next week
-Developed a plan