This is the last obligatory lecture day.
You still have obligatory homework due this weekend (by Dec 5) with replies (by Dec 6).
You still must comment on your classmates’ project presentations (Sections 01, 02, and 03 have two presentations to comment on by Sunday, both submitted on Dec 1; Section 04 will have only 1 presentation to comment on).
Check your Blackboard grades!
All students are expected to complete the course evaluation when it is made available to you.
Everyone is strongly encouraged to attend the optional final paper workshops, which begin this Thursday. No grades will be assigned for attendance, and no recordings will be shared of those sessions. They are strictly for individualized feedback and a structured writing environment.
In class today we will be:
a) answering questions about Scenario 1 for those who have already started their homework.
b) answering questions about the final paper if needed.
c) doing as much of the 9.3.1 methodology as time allows for Scenario 3 for further practice.
Final reminder: no late papers will be accepted, under any circumstances. The submission window for final papers will open December 7 at 12:00pm.