MAP Events week of 11/17/2014

11/17/2014 12:00-2PM   W-1-0064

Fundamental Laws of Investing – Retirement Planning (IRA, Roth, 401K, 403b..)  50 miles

11/17/2014 4:00-5PM     CC-1-1313           

The professional practice of sleep–         50 miles

11/17/2014 6:00-7PM     M-1-409

Concord Wealth Management Presents: Financial Literacy – Taxes and the IRS—50 miles

11/20/2014 2:00-3PM     Ryan Lounge: M-3-721  

State Street Opportunities Information Session–Come to find out more about all the opportunities at State Street! Sign up in advance under “Career Fairs & Events” at         50 miles

11/18/2014 1:00-4PM Ryan Lounge: M-3-721      

Federal Careers Forum–A forum presentation and networking session designed to assist students in understanding how to access jobs and internships in the federal government. This is a great opportunity to speak directly with representatives from a variety of agencies. MAP STUDENTS must engage in the entire event for miles to attach.– Sign up in advance under “Career Fairs & Events” at             75 miles

11/18/2014 2:00-3 PM    CC-1-1313

Stress and Mindfulness—50 miles

11/19/2014 11:00-12PM                Blue Lab H-3-0009F

Advanced Linked-in Workshop–Sign up in advance under “Career Fairs & Events” at  50 miles

11/19/2014 12:00-2PM   W-1-64

Fundamental Laws of Investing – Bond (Fixed Income) Basics      50 miles

11/19/2014 4:00-5PM     CC-1-1313

The professional practice of sleep–         50 miles

11/19/2014 5:30-6:30PM CC-4-4201

ADDRESSING diversity in the workplace                50 miles

11/20/2014 11:00AM-12PM S-02-0063   

Career Success Strategies for International Students–Sign up in advance under “Career Fairs & Events” at 50 miles

11/20/2014 12:45-1:45PM S-02-0063       

Beta Gamma Sigma Presents: Exam Preparation               50 miles


Looking for a job?  Looking for an internship?  Check out the Career Services page!