Why Academics Should Blog

Fascinating article about academic blogging from the London School of Economics. The authors believe that academic blogs are becoming indispensible tools for all fields of research and that blogging is the most effective way to draw attention to more established forms of academic presentation, i.e. journal articles, conference presentations.

There are several key points that the authors make:

  1. Multi-author academic blogs are likely to be more successful because they guarantee a steady stream of content.
  2. Blogs should have a clear focus on one or two topics so people know that’s where they should go for the latest on ‘topic x’.
  3. Blogging should also be supported by tweeting and Facebook links.
Academic blogging gets your work and research out to a potentially massive audience at very, very low cost and relative amount of effort. With platforms like WordPress (which we use here), you can set up a blog and have your first article online in no more than 10 minutes. Recent research from the World Bank has shown that blogging about an academic article can lead to hundreds of new readers when before there were only a handful. Blogging in multi-author blogs is a great way to build knowledge of your work, to grow readership of useful articles and research reports, to build up citations, and to foster debate across academia, government, civil society and the public in general.
Michael Keating

1 Comment

  1. Very nice blog, thanks for this post..it’s been good reading this..


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