Celebrating Our First Year

After one year at Umass Boston, the Materials Science group is finally on its feet and running. We have grown in size and scope: exploring new ideas with new group members as well as new collaborators. To mark the anniversary our establishment and to celebrate the achievements of the members who have worked so hard, Dr. Martin Thuo invited everyone into his home for a barbecue. Below are some photos from the end-of-the-year celebration.

From left to right: Zhi, Andrew, Steph, and Julian relax on the couch after a big meal.

From left to right: Zhi, Andrew, Steph, and Julian relax on the couch after a big meal.


Luke and Ian play polish horseshoes...

Luke and Ian play polish horseshoes…


...while Julian struggles with the game.

…while Julian struggles with the game.


From left to right: Ian, Lenny, Martin and Andrew play Wii games.

From left to right: Ian, Lenny, Martin and Andrew play Wii games.


From left to right: Julian, Ian and Steph show us their dance moves.

From left to right: Julian, Ian and Steph show us their dance moves.


Ian and Luke chill out on the porch.

Ian and Luke chill out on the porch.

The Materials Science group would like to thank Dr. Martin Thuo for all his help and hard work. We have grown and learned so much in such a short time. As a group we are now gearing up for the summer with many prospective projects and some are already in writing. Keep an eye out for our work.

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