Savin Hill Geographic Information

Sandra final picture 

Land use and Land cover of Savin Hill Cove From 1777 to Today

Through the use of a Geographic Information System, namely ArcMap, Sandra Tremblay and Nicole Borgstrom will build an interactive map to portray the changing shoreline of Savin Hill Cove and the immediate surrounding area. They have found maps that span over two hundred years, as far back as 1777, and roughly every twenty-five years since then. Sources for maps that we will use include map collections at the Boston Public Library, Harvard University, and other online archive.As for division of work, Sandra and Nicole will both be working on georeferencing the old maps into digital, accurate forms. From there, they will create shapefiles for each year, enabling us to layer the maps. Finally, from this work, Sandra and Nicole will truly be able to see change to the shoreline and land use of the Savin Hill Cove area.