Chasing Unicorns

Running the Boston Marathon to Support Camp Shriver

Letter from Coach – Nutrition Plan



With only 3 long runs remaining, it is critical to have a nutrition plan for both the week leading up to the marathon as well as the marathon itself. If you have not already done so, you should plan your nutrition for the long runs. This will give you adequate time to determine how your body reacts to different foods/gels/etc?

There are two things to consider for a long run, hydration and fuel. As the average marathoner needs to consume between 150-300 calories per hour, it is critical to find your balance. How many gels (or equivalent) does your body need? How much water or fluid do you need? If you find yourself always out of energy (or bonking, as it is called) on a long run, you may not be consuming enough calories. Or do you always find your stomach sloshing while running, you may be consuming too many.

Determine the balance now as to not have surprises on race day.

I have mapped 18 miles out past Wellesley College and back.
Please be advised some sideways may have residual snow so take your time when crossing dangerous areas.

See you Saturday,
Coach Greg



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